From attending the event production show earlier this month and chatting with events professionals in the Ta Dah networking area, one of the hot industry topics which came up again and again was design. Specifically, how to make the most of every element at an event for the best brand experience.

The Ta Dah networking area at this years event production show

Brands are brought to life for attendees to experience and interact with using all of their senses, so it makes sense that the term ‘brand experience’ is often used.  In times of information overload, competition for customers’ attention is fierce, so brand experiences have to work extra hard for people to take notice.  Good design makes an impression and encourages people to interact – if it’s working really well, it creates emotive responses and joy, which turns customers into advocates, sharing their experiences on social media to promote the brand to a wider audience.

So below are some themes to consider when creating a branded event, based on the gossip from this year’s event production show, as well as from experience of what’s been effective at Ta Dah’s bookings.

1) Interesting venues

Run-of-the-mill locations can get a bit same-y for attendees.  Venues with their own story set guest intrigue from the off, from art galleries and private villas to concert venues even monasteries – if you can incorporate the event theme in with the venue, even better! Different zones within the overall space can also be designed to suit varying energy levels as well as the range of activities taking place.  Which brings us on to…

2) Venue layout and décor

This is where sticking to one key theme to build ideas around and support is essential for consistency and making a strong brand impression with guests. Special touches can be incorporated from there to tie in with the main theme or customer journey and delight customers. At the event production show, the networking area was a key destination as it met one of the attendees’ core needs: to sit down and use a table at points throughout the day.  The area served its purpose and was brought to life in a fun, comfortable and innovative way with Ta Dah’s donuts – inflatable seats with a built-in table.

3) Clever logo use

Guests are used to seeing traditional banners and signs, we all use them and they provide a brief impact for a brand.  More unexpected use of brand logos can bring surprise and demand attention. One of the top questions from the event production show was about getting client logos featured on our donut tables, this is something we can absolutely provide the Ta Dah personal service, you can make an enquiry here

4) Using technology

Tecnhology touches that make customer lives easier are always appreciated, such as wifi being provided at events.  Another helping hand comes in the form of bespoke event apps, these help attendees to organise their time, as well as creating another communication channel to reach your audience.

Another tool is professional lighting, which can be used to enhance the ambience in a variety of ways, with Ta Dahs customers there’s a trend for tastefully supporting brand presence through lighting a group of white sofas in the brand colour and create a cool effect.

If you have an event in mind that you’d like discuss, I’d love to hear about your plans and have a chat about how to your seating can add to the overall theme and give that wow factor.

Happy planning,

Rachel Smith

Director, Ta Dah Furniture Hire